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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

8 ways to Boost Self Esteem

8 ways to Boost Self Esteem 

If you are struggling with low self esteem  you can boost  self esteem  and improve  self confidence. I like to share how to apply my personal experiences   to your daily life. There are  many things you can start doing to boost  self esteem.        

Here are some tips you can start applying to your daily life:

1  Honoring and loving yourself.   It is impossible to love and honor yourself if  you are constantly blaming others. Blaming means that you don't take responsibility for your life. When this happens you are powerless and engage in negative thinking.

2. How do I get out of this trap?.  I  changed my negative self talk. Changing your negative self talk is a great  boost . Give yourself permission to ask for your needs, say no, and see your beauty

3. Do not judge other people. If I find myself judging   I immediately change my attention. When you  judge others think that you are better than them or you use this judgment to feel better.

As Wayne Dyer said: Whenever you have a thought that excludes or judges anyone else, you aren't defining them. You're defining yourself as someone who needs to judge others.

4. Stop feeling guilty.  If want to eat  chocolate  I eat it without guilt. The same if I need a nap , play or just relax and do nothing. Remember that guilt paralyze you. Even if you were mistaken, assume responsibility and move on.

5.  Don't take personally  another person criticism</b>. I know that if come across to somebody that criticizes  me is not about me. Some people to think that are  better than others by putting them down. Start to take criticism as a feedback, and see if you could learn   from it.

6.  Exercising helps boosting self esteem, your mood, body image and  improve self confidence.  When I exercise I have spent time with myself. My myself. My body is light,  flexible and with  a lot of energy. I exercise frequently. I cannot run outside, I go to the gym. It is really important to choose an exercise you enjoy doing instead of  forcing yourself to do what you were told that it was better. Choose doing what you like, make it fun and enjoyable.

7.  Meditate. I meditate every day. When being in silence  I connect  to myself. It doesn't matter what meditation you use, the important issue is to be in silence. Meditation will connect you with your  source of self worth and helps to improve self confidence.

8.  Have sense of humor. I have a great sense of humor, that’s helps a lot because I won't dwell on self pity. Start feeling  happy. Read the article about constructive humor. Learn to laugh at yourself. People that are unable to laugh at themselves is because of their own insecurities and fears.
Celebrate success</b>. I celebrate  success every day; even the small ones helps your self confidence. I become conscious of them. ( I made dinner, I watered my plants, I was nice to an angry person,  etc). Celebrate also your positive qualities. This habit will keep you motivated. Take a moment and acknowledge every single effort do.

Practice any of the  8 tips in your daily life. The key is to do something for you so that you feel good. Once you have tried a few of the tips I have suggested, make the ones that worked for you a routine.

Article by ©Carla Valencia of  Building Self Esteem  Download a copy of   The Boost your Self Esteem Workbook.


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