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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Go Back And Live Life Over Again

Can you really go back in time and live life over again?

And this time GET IT RIGHT?

I'll let you decide...

You already know that from the ages of 0 to 5, you were
constantly soaking up information.

Everything - ALL input - was accepted without question. All on
a subconscious level.

Because we lacked the ability to evaluate. Our conscious mind
simply had not yet developed enough to determine "this is
good" and "that is bad".

In this early stage of life, you were being programmed.

The greatest influence, of course, was your mother.

Think back for a second - what do you suppose mom believed about
her feelings?

Did she view them as grand and glorious gifts? Powerful
expressions of her divine nature?

Did she understand how truly VALUABLE it is to develop a
healthy, mature relationship with WHATEVER she was feeling?

I think we both know the answer to those questions...

Now, keep in mind, until the age of about two years old, you
felt whatever mom felt. When she was happy; you were happy.
When she was scared; you were scared. When she was sad; you
were sad.

Your emotional responses formed and shaped themselves
long before you could think about whether or not they were
the ones you wanted. You had no choice in the matter.

Patterns were laid.

Programs were formed.

Neurological pathways of least effort were created in your
brain. Patterns that most likely exist to this very day.

After the age of 5 or 6 - as you learned to reason and think
for yourself - you may have changed some of those patterns.
Perhaps you flipped them around, so now you do the exact

But that's simply the other side of the same coin - and
mother's influence lives on in your brain and in your life.

Those first five years are critical to your life TODAY,
for several reasons.

1. At that age, you couldn't evaluate.

Everything was accepted as fact. You didn't get to decide
what to believe and what not to believe. You had no way of
knowing if what you were about to believe was true or not.

You didn't have the ability to question ANYTHING.

For example -

At this young age, you couldn't possibly associate a spanking
with errant behavior.

You could be trained - but no one ever learns and grows in
a positive way from punishment. Especially a small child.

Instead, the pain of punishment became internalized. And you
could easily come to believe love equals pain.

Because, first of all, there will always be some love between
a mother and child. The love always exists.

But so often, there's also pain. Either by direct punishment,
or by indirect means such as withholding affection.

Mother's disapproval comes in many forms.

And that's not to mention the downright fatigue and hormone
changes and mood swings and angry outbursts and all the
other stuff that comes with the VERY difficult task of being
a mother!

It's almost impossible to be loving all the time. No matter
how hard she tried. But that rage she forgot in a few hours
lives on in you today.

You were a blank slate. Soaking up everything like a sponge.
And the most INTENSE feelings created the BIGGEST impact
and the most POWERFUL programs. Programs you may be living
out today and every day of your life.

Age does not diminish them one bit.

This stands as one of many examples of what happens during
those critical early years when you're unable to evaluate
and rationalize what's happening to you.

2. Beliefs build on previous beliefs.

Let's say you believe - as many people do - that love equals
pain. And you formed this belief at an early age - when you
were a blank slate.

It became a foundational belief. A fundamental belief.
Locked in by intense feelings of sadness, hurt, confusion
and perhaps even memories of physical pain.

Now every other belief around love will rest upon that first
belief about love. Plus, every subsequent belief about PAIN
will also rest upon that belief.

So not only will it influence the pain of love - but also
the LOVE of PAIN! Love and pain become intertwined.

Beliefs are stored in the subconscious mind. Your subconscious
seeks CONSISTENCY above all else. It doesn't give you
what you say you want - it gives you whatever is consistent
with the beliefs you ALREADY hold.

Remember, those beliefs you learned about love and pain
were accepted as the Gospel Truth.

Reality follows belief. YOUR reality follows YOUR beliefs.

The more intense the feelings around a particular belief,
the more influence that belief has in your life and the more
likely it will continue to manifest in your reality.

And when you're a small child - EVERYTHING is intense!

Are you beginning to see how much impact those early beliefs
have on your present condition today?

And why it's really not your fault if you're going through a
ton of emotional pain now?

Not only is love painful...

But for so many of us, we're ATTRACTED to pain - in a failed
attempt to feel love.

All because of a faulty belief.

Made by a two-year-old.

Unable to be reasoned away.

Reinforced in concrete by intense pain.

Influencing every single action we take today.

No matter how hard we try, change seems impossible. Because
we're standing on a foundation of "love = pain".

And now it's like trying to plant flowers on barren soil.

"Why can't I grow beautiful roses?"

"Why does my life seem so miserable when I'm trying so hard?"

Because of the foundation that seems rock-solid; written in

As you think about what I'm saying - as you really let it
in - it's normal to feel a little overwhelmed by just how
serious the problem really is.

I know when it first hit me, I wanted to give up.

"It's hopeless!"

"I can't possibly fight it or change it - so I'm just going
to give up."

And I did - for a very long time. I withdrew. I stopped
trying in so many ways. I quit participating in life.

I over-achieved at under-achieving.

Which only made things worse.

The pain spread - as pain always does when you ignore it.

It's so sad, really. Because I didn't know what to do.

At the time, basically all I knew was I had created beliefs
that severely limited what I could achieve in my life.

I didn't yet know those beliefs could be changed with
relative ease. I thought beliefs anchored themselves in
'concrete'. Untouchable. Unchangeable. Unable to be

I didn't yet know where to find my beliefs and how to change
them. I believed changing beliefs was impossible. At least
for me.

And finally, I didn't yet know changing beliefs comes from
following a process - a specific set of steps involving:

(1) removing the old belief

(2) releasing the old emotional energy

(3) inserting a new belief in the 'slot' that the old belief

(4) anchoring the new belief with ANY feelings I wanted!

For the new belief to 'stick' - it must carefully conform to
certain rules and restrictions. I still don't know exactly
why; I just know it does.

I don't have all the answers. But I do know what WORKS.

I spent years working with the belief changing technique -
making it as foolproof as possible.

Finally, a few months ago, I recorded it onto an audio file.

It takes about thirty minutes to listen to it all the way
through. Which may seem like a long time if you don't truly
understand what a change it can make in your life.

It's like being able to go back into the past and live life
over again. Only this time getting it right.

Because YOU get to CONSCIOUSLY DECIDE what to believe!

It's a way to rewrite the rules your life must follow. You
can change that negative programming that others put
into you.

But don't take my word for it. Get the recording and use it.
It WILL change your life for the better.

I offer it as a free bonus. It comes with the program on
"How To Create Your Own Reality".

ll also learn about love itself, and joy and happiness,
and so much more when you click on the link below -
all the best,


Mark Ivar Myhre
The Emotional Healing Wizard

PS - Ever wished you could go back in time and relive the past?
This is the next best thing - jointhefun


Thursday, June 16, 2011

8 ways to Boost Self Esteem
If you are struggling with low self esteem  you can boost  self esteem and improve self confidence. I like to share how to apply my personal experiences to your daily life. There are  many things you can start doing to boost  self esteem.
Here are some tips you can start applying to your daily life:
1 - Honoring and loving yourself
It is impossible to love and honor yourself if  you are constantly blaming. Blaming means that you don't take responsibility for your life. When this happens you are powerless and engage in negative thinking.
2 -How do I get out of this trap?
I changed my negative self talk.Changing your negative self talk is a great  boost . Give yourself permission to ask for your needs, say no, and see your beauty.

3  -Do not judge other people.
If I find myself judging   I immediately change my attention. When you  judge others think that you are better than them or you use this judgment to feel better.
As Wayne Dyer said: Whenever you have a thought that excludes or judges anyone else, you aren't defining them. You're defining yourself as someone who needs to judge others.
4  -Stop feeling guilty
If want to eat  chocolate  I eat it without guilt. The same if I need a nap, play or just relax and do nothing. Remember that guilt paralyzes you. Even if you were mistaken, assume responsibility and move on.

5  -Don't take personally another person's criticism.
I know that if  I come across to somebody that criticizes me is not about me. Some people to think that they are better than others by putting them down. Start to take criticism as a feedback, and see if you could learn from it.
6 -Exercising helps boost self esteem, your mood, body image and  improve self confidence.
When I exercise I have spent time with myself. My body is light,  flexible and with  a lot of energy. I exercise frequently. I cannot run outside, I go to the gym. It is really important to choose an exercise you enjoy doing instead of  forcing yourself to do what you were told that it was better. Choose doing what you like, make it fun and enjoyable.
7 -Meditate
I meditate every day. When being in silence  I connect  to myself.  It doesn't matter what meditation you use, the important issue is to be in silence. Meditation will connect you with your  source of self worth and helps to improve self confidence.
8 -Have a sense of humor.
I have a great sense of humor, that’s helps a lot because I won't dwell on self pity. Start feeling  happy. Read the article about constructive humor. Learn to laugh at yourself. People that are unable to laugh at themselves is because of their own insecurities and fears.   
Celebrate your success.  I celebrate  success every day; even the small ones helps your self confidence. I become conscious of them. ( I made dinner, I watered my plants, I was nice to an angry person,  etc).  Celebrate also your positive qualities. This habit will keep you motivated.  Take a moment and acknowledge every single effort do.
Practice any of the  8 tips in your daily life. The key is to do something for you so that you feel good. Once you have tried a few of the tips I have suggested, make the ones that worked for you a routine.</p>
Article by ©Carla Valencia of Building Self Esteem Download a copy of  The Boost your Self Esteem Workbook

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Low Self Esteem - 7 Tips for Improving Low Self Esteem

Everyone today has the target of improving their low self-esteem. You are either working towards actively or you are subconsciously trying to improve your low self-esteem. The problem that arises here is that you might not understand what exactly you want to improve.

Do you know any certain way by which you can improve your low self-esteem?. Not really. In order to make it easier for you to achieve your goals, here are 7 tips that will help you improve low self-esteem:

1. Stop comparing yourself to other people: Do not ever think that you are lower than the other. When you meet someone, give them a firm handshake. Treat them equally. Look straight into the eye while talking to them. You should compare yourself with yourself only. See what you did yesterday and look at how you did it today. If there is any improvement, feel good about it, reward yourself and celebrate

2. Put yourself first: Remember that you need to give yourself importance in order to be able to make a change. You need to understand what you are doing correctly and what you are not doing correctly. People will only respect you if you respect yourself and thus, you need to give yourself importance. Put your needs and desires first.

3. Talk positively about yourself.  Make announcements of your achievements.   Feel pride in whatever you do and be confident about it.  Do what you love and tell everyone about it. But make sure that you don't get overconfident and don't start boasting.

4. Accept compliments: It sometimes is difficult to accept a compliment and not always think that it is ridiculous.  People with low self-esteem find hard to accept compliments.  Everyone has an opinion and you should respect it even if you do not agree with it.  You should also think good about yourself if others do.  When somebody gives you a compliment just say thank you.

5. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people: You should keep yourself surrounded with positive people who support you.  Bitching and complaining may seem fun at times but over a period of time, you may become one of them.  People who bitch and complain very often are never happy.  You will feel happier with positive people around you and they will also give you positive energies. They will improve your self-esteem by supporting you when you are feeling low.

6. Acknowledge your positive qualities: Each one has some positive qualities.  Everyone has talents and is good at something.  Understand what you are good at and encourage yourself to do that often. Exercise your talent and make it stronger. If you adore a certain part of your body, give it more attention than all the others. For example, if you love your eyes, look directly into your eyes when you see yourself in the mirror.

7. Involve yourself in activities that you love: There is something for sure that you love doing.  Keep yourself busy in what you love doing and improve the way you feel about yourself. This will surely help you improve low self-esteem.

 Article by ©Carla Valencia of SelfEsteemandAwareness Building Self Esteem
 Download a copy of  The Boost your Self Esteem Workbook
